November Newsletter

Government Care

On November 20, Zhang Donghui, Deputy Secretary of the Gongyi Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, and his delegation visited Jushen for investigation and guidance. At the symposium, Lei Qi, chairman and general manager of Jushen Co., Ltd., made a report speech, expressing a warm welcome to the leaders of Gongyi City and his heartfelt thanks to the Gongyi City Government for its continued concern and support for our company. Mr. Lei said that Jushen’s rapid development is inseparable from the government’s care and policy support. The company will be down-to-earth and firmly move forward on the path of high-quality development.

Gongyi Municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Mayor Zhang Donghui affirmed and praised Jushen’s development achievements. He asked about Jushen’s concerns. Shen made suggestions on relevant policy guidance work, asked Jushen about practical problems that need to be coordinated and solved in operation and management, and put forward high expectations for Jushen's long-term development in Gongyi City.

On November 20, Li Congjia, deputy director of the Qinzhou Port Area Management Committee and member of the Party Working Committee of China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone He led a regional research team to visit Guangxi Qinzhou Free Trade Port Zone Jushen International Logistics Co., Ltd. and Guangxi Jushen Zhiyun Information Technology Co., Ltd. for research and guidance.

At the meeting, the leader of Jushen Zhiyun’s general manager office introduced the development history, business processes and procedures of Qinzhou Jushen and Jushen Zhiyun to the research group. Future development plans. The research team affirmed the achievements achieved by Jushen, and expressed that they would do a good job in coordination and support for the relevant issues reported by the company, give full play to the functions of government departments, and work together to help enterprises solve urgent, difficult and long-awaited problems, and promote the sustainable health of enterprises. develop.

Corporate News

In order to improve Jushen employees’ ability to respond to terrorist incidents and their self-rescue and mutual rescue capabilities, on November 9, the company organized Employees participated in an anti-terrorism and anti-riot emergency safety drill jointly organized by Danzao Railway and the police station. During the event, police officers from the police station explained in detail the emergency response procedures for emergencies, the use of defensive equipment, and self-protection techniques and other professional knowledge to the event participants. This activity enhanced the anti-riot awareness of Jushen employees and their ability to deal with emergencies, making the company's safety prevention work more effective.

Party Building Leadership

On November 29, in order to give full play to the role of the party organization as a battle fortress and assist in the new construction of traffic safety and transportation in Jushen, Danzao Traffic Police The Party Branch of the Squadron and the Party Branch of Jushen Logistics carried out the Party Day activities with the theme of "Showing the Iron Cavalry Style and Creating a Benchmark Enterprise".

First of all, the leaders of the traffic police squadron expressed concern about the safety of Jushen’s transportation and storage of goods. The company's deputy general manager Zeng Yongfa and other relevant department heads accompanied the leaders of the traffic police squadron to visit the Jushen storage yard. Through on-site visits and on-site explanations, the leaders of the traffic police squadron have a better understanding of the on-site management of Jushen's warehousing and transportation vehicle safety management, and affirmed some of the company's good practices in safety management standardization.

Next, the police and enterprise parties conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on their respective recent situations, business development and other aspects. At the meeting, Comrade Lu Zhiyong, Secretary of the Party Branch of Danzao Traffic Police Squadron, expressed warm congratulations on the smooth implementation of this themed party day event, and pointed out that we should adhere to party building empowerment to better realize the complementary advantages of both police and enterprises, so that the traffic police can escort the development of enterprises. Be more accurate and efficient, and work together to help maintain safe Danzao. Subsequently, Comrade Zhou Hongzhi, Secretary of the Jushen Party Branch, said that the Jushen Party Branch will continue to carry out various joint construction activities, enrich the content of joint construction activities, and strive to form a new situation in which party building leads development and police and enterprises jointly build safety.

In the afternoon, the two sides organized a friendly basketball match to further enhance mutual understanding and friendship between police officers and employees. During the competition, everyone followed the spirit of "friendship first, competition second" and showed good competitive status and team style.

This theme party day activity is another exploration of both parties to work together to improve the quality of party building work, and to achieve the goal of "party building in the police enterprise" Promote co-construction, promote cooperation through co-construction, and promote development through cooperation” has laid a solid foundation.

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Next:Good news! Jushen Warehousing was awarded the "Excellent Delivery Warehouse of the Shanghai Futures Exchange in 2023"

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