March Newsletter

In order to comprehensively popularize first aid knowledge, help employees master first aid skills, and assist enterprises in safe production, on March 1, Jushen Co., Ltd. invited the Eighth People's Hospital of Nanhai District, Foshan City to hold a "Safety Guard, First Aid First" first aid knowledge training event at the company. . This event was carefully planned and organized by the hospital's professional first aid team and the Human Resources Administration Center. It covered the explanation and practice of basic first aid skills such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, hemostatic bandaging, and fracture fixation.

This training activity improved employees' first-aid skills and ability to respond to emergencies, enhanced the company's overall emergency response capabilities, and contributed to building a more harmonious and safer corporate environment. In the future, Jushen will continue to organize similar first aid knowledge training activities and is committed to providing employees with more comprehensive and professional health and safety services.

On March 6, Jushen Co., Ltd. actively responded to the measures to strengthen the harmonious development of labor relations within the company and participated in the Foshan Harmonious Labor Relations Benchmark Enterprise Symposium. Through discussions, surveys, and learning from other benchmarking companies’ advanced experiences and successful practices, the company management’s awareness of the importance of harmonious development of corporate labor relations has been further strengthened, and the human resources department’s innovative awareness of improving and optimizing the company’s internal labor relations management model has been enhanced. We believe that with the active exploration and continuous efforts of the company, the harmonious corporate culture of Jushen Co., Ltd. will continue to reach new levels one after another.

On March 8, when International Women's Day arrived, Jushen Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries and branches presented carefully prepared holiday benefits to all female employees to express respect and care for female compatriots.

Female employees bear huge responsibilities between family and work, and their hard work and hard work deserve our respect and gratitude. Therefore, providing them with practical daily necessities is not only a reward for their hard work, but also a concern for their quality of life. At the gift distribution site, the female compatriots expressed their gratitude one after another, believing that the company's care made them feel warm and valued, and they also cherished the platform of working hard in the company.

In the future, Jushen will continue to pay attention to the needs of female employees, actively carry out more caring activities, and create a more comfortable and warm working environment for them, so that every female compatriot can feel respected and cared for at work.

On March 24, in order to enhance the cohesion of the employee team and promote communication and cooperation among employees, Jushen Co., Ltd.'s labor union carefully organized the "Lie in the Spring, Enjoy Wild Life" employee outdoor development activity to help employees temporarily escape from the noise and busyness of the city. Take a break, have fun in the wild, and release stress.

The expansion activities include a number of exciting activities, among which making tea by the fire, kite DIY, flying kites, and picking strawberries are very popular. The employees jointly experienced the fun of making kites with their children amidst laughter, tasted fresh strawberries, and enjoyed the joy and relaxation brought by outdoor activities.

Employees who participated in the activity said that this outdoor development activity not only allowed them to relax, but also enhanced the feelings and cohesion among the team. A young employee said: "This activity not only provides employees with an opportunity to relax, but also allows me to get to know my colleagues better, and the relationship between us has become more harmonious." A married employee with children was shared excitedly: "Being able to participate in activities with my children, I feel the company's care and support for us. This is a precious parent-child time."

This outdoor development activity created a weekend full of joy and family affection, reflecting the effectiveness of the company's labor union work and the company's "people-oriented" corporate culture. In the future, Jushen Co., Ltd. will continue to organize and carry out various novel corporate cultural activities to enhance the sense of identity and belonging of new and old employees to the company, and improve the company's attractiveness in recruiting talents.

On March 26, Jushen Technology joined hands with the Healthy Employment and Medical Committee of the Foshan Employment and Entrepreneurship Research Association and the Eighth People's Hospital of Nanhai District to launch the "Pay attention to health, connect the hearts of medical enterprises" activities to jointly seek ways to manage the health of corporate employees. road. Relevant leaders of Foshan Employment and Entrepreneurship Research Association, the expert team of Nanhai District Eighth People's Hospital, leaders of Jushen Co., Ltd. and heads of relevant departments attended this meeting.

At the meeting, hospital experts answered questions on employee health management issues such as employee physical examination, occupational disease screening and prevention, corporate healthy employment, and the construction of a psychological care management system, providing the company with valuable guidance on employee health management methods.

Zeng Yongfa, deputy general manager of Jushen Co., Ltd., said in the exchange: "Employee health is the cornerstone of enterprise development and an important guarantee for achieving sustainable development of enterprises. In the future, through in-depth cooperation with hospitals, the company will focus on promoting and optimizing the development process The relevant employee care measures in the company will create a healthier and safer working environment for employees."

Li Ruzhi, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Eighth People's Hospital of Nanhai District, said: "Recruiting, utilizing and retaining workers are important issues for the healthy development of enterprises. In the future, the Eighth Hospital will give full play to the location advantages of local hospitals and actively Respond to the call of local enterprises, implement the service tenets of "healthy employment care" and "I do practical things for the people", deepen cooperation with medical enterprises, and jointly protect the physical and mental health of enterprise employees."

The successful holding of this exchange meeting not only promoted the in-depth integration of the medical resources of Nanhai District Eighth People's Hospital and the employee health management of Jushen Co., Ltd., but also provided new ideas and directions for corporate employee health management. In the next step, through close cooperation with hospitals, the company will further improve the health management system, improve the health level and quality of life of employees, and inject new impetus into the sustainable development of the enterprise.

Jushen Co., Ltd. has always paid great attention to safety production work, continuously strengthened safety management, and implemented various safety precautions. On March 27, Jushen Co., Ltd. held fire safety training and drills as scheduled. This training has strengthened employees' safety awareness and self-rescue capabilities, and also made them fully prepared to deal with emergencies in production operations.

At the same time, the company also invited professional institutions to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the warehouses and freight yards of Jushen Co., Ltd., and promptly rectified any potential safety hazards discovered, effectively implementing the company's advocacy of "safety production is greater than the sky, and the safety of cargo rights is the most important thing." bottom line" principle.

The person in charge of warehousing safety production said: "Safety production is the company's top priority, and it is also our responsibility to employees and customers. Through this training exercise and routine safety inspections by professional institutions, we hope to enhance employees' safety awareness and provide Provide customers with more reliable service guarantees.”

On March 28, the Danzao Town Federation of Trade Unions held a meeting to learn the results of the employee cultural construction activity competition. Jushen Co., Ltd. sent representatives to participate in this event and learned about the successful experiences and achievements of employees in different companies and communities. At the same time, Jushen Co., Ltd. won the "Enterprise Trade Union Excellence Award" and partial project financial support for its unique employee cultural construction project.

Winning the "Enterprise Trade Union Excellence Award" this time is a full proof of the achievements of the trade union culture construction work of Jushen Co., Ltd., and is also an encouragement and spur to the improvement of trade union service efficiency. Taking this as an opportunity, the trade union will further give full play to its role as a bridge between the party and the employees, and will continue to be the "parental family" of the employees of Jushen Co., Ltd. with affection, heart and efforts, improve the overall quality and happiness of the employees, and strive to realize the goal of The company's long-term development goals and efforts.

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