Annual review: Another year of spring and autumn, hard work and forge ahead to create a new chapter

2023 Annual Inventory

Looking at the year 2023, which has just ended, we are pursuing our dreams and struggling bravely, going all out to ensure production and operation, steadily advancing various tasks, and moving towards 2024 with a hard-working attitude to prosper the industry. Standing at the node of time series change, looking back suddenly, we find that every step of Jushen in 2023 reflects extraordinary achievements and writes an extraordinary journey.

Adhere to serving the overall situation and hold the development baton well

Safe, standardized, efficient and convenient services have always been the work requirements and guidelines practiced by Jushen. In 2023, Jushen will always regard "improvement of services" as the center of its work, and actively explore the path forward for the high-quality development of logistics and warehousing business, starting from the acquisition of futures delivery warehouse qualifications, the implementation of high-quality projects, and the expansion of brand image.

This year, the Shanghai Futures Exchange approved Jushen Storage as its first batch of delivery warehouses for alumina futures. China Railway Group approved the application of Xinjiang Jushen Land Port Intermodal Transport Co., Ltd. to launch railway freight business on a dedicated railway line. The Fangcheng Port Office assisted Guangzhou The alumina of Liliang Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. successfully arrived in Hong Kong, and Qinzhou Jushen was successfully selected into the second batch of Guangxi multimodal transport service brands and key line creation project lists... By strengthening business expansion and extending the service chain, Jushen's comprehensive strength has been enhanced. It has received great attention and recognition from multi-level government units and senior industry organizations, and has been awarded honorary titles such as "Excellent Delivery Warehouse of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2023" and "China's High-Quality Nickel-Chromium Stainless Steel Warehousing and Logistics Service Provider in 2023", further enhancing Ju's reputation. Shen’s industry visibility and social influence.

Expand overseas markets and show your courage to open new markets

In 2023, Jushen will closely follow the “Belt and Road” policy and seize overseas development opportunities. In June, Jushen Logistics (Malaysia) Co., Ltd. was established; in July, Singapore Qinhan Shipping Co., Ltd. was established; in October, Jiayue International Logistics Co., Ltd. was established. By adapting to the current situation and deploying overseas, Jushen actively participates in international competition, cultivates new development momentum, strives to further enhance the company's core competitiveness and service level, and strives to better serve the global commodity market.

Pay close attention to the platform to improve quality and develop a good management combination

Based on intelligence, convenience and risk prevention and control, in the past year, the company has continued to optimize the operating procedures of relevant business systems and paid more attention to the application of digital technology. By promoting the development of the supply chain warehousing system's code order details function, the development of the 2.1 revision of the warehousing operation applet, the direct connection between the system's prepayment function and banks, and the docking research and development of application technologies such as supply chain system docking with RFID equipment, Jushen Logistics Supply Chain Management The system (hereinafter referred to as the "system") can realize the interconnection between devices and the real-time transmission and processing of information from top to bottom and bottom up, continuously promote and improve the transportation and warehousing work, and further enhance the business Risk prevention and control capabilities provide customers with a more intelligent and reliable service experience.

In addition, the system has also passed the Level 3 Information System Security Level Protection Certification and obtained the "Information System Security Level Protection Registration Certificate" issued by the Foshan Municipal Public Security Bureau, demonstrating the hard-core strength of Jushen's digital intelligence business.

Strengthen our ranks and draw concentric circles for our cause

Behind the quality customer experience is the strengthening of the construction of the staff team, the first to improve the professional quality of employees, and then there will be customer satisfaction. In 2023, with "training to improve quality and efficiency" as the main line, adhere to the principle of "what is missing, what is needed to learn what", the company pays attention to demand orientation, and takes the improvement of the staff as the driving force for high-quality development.
The company's human resources department through active docking with relevant departments, widely solicit, summarize, and comb training needs, carefully formulate training programs, and adopt a combination of "theory + practice" to transform the training work from "flood irrigation" to "precision dropper" in 2023, and achieve full bloom.

According to statistics, last year's training content covered aluminum, zinc, copper, tin, stainless steel, industrial silicon, alumina basic knowledge and futures delivery, warehouse receipt production, business etiquette, safety production, combined transport, finance, manpower, law, insurance and other aspects, the training coverage of all staff reached 100%, the per capita training duration of about 13 hours, held various exchange and research activities more than 20 periods. At the same time, the company attaches great importance to the development of key groups such as management trainees and young backbone, and carries out ideological exchanges and dialogues on a regular basis to help them grow rapidly.
For the training work, most employees have expressed understanding and recognition, that standardized and systematic training can enable them to strengthen the grasp of theoretical knowledge and business operation skills, improve personal comprehensive quality and work efficiency, but also enhance the company's reserve force and business vitality.

Focus on employee care and inspire new vitality for hard work

Looking back on 2023, Jushen adheres to cultural drive, actively explores practical measures for the corporate culture of "dreams, responsibilities, and sharing", and improves the "action power" of employee care, accumulating valuable cultural wealth and solid self-confidence for the company.

Relying on improving the service quality and duty performance capabilities of functional departments, the company's party branch and labor union regularly promote the "I do practical things for employees" practical activities, take the initiative, provide meticulous services, and organize and carry out through "online + offline" methods Online fitness special activities, collection activities for literary and artistic creation exhibitions, yoga courses, Mid-Autumn Tea Party activities, table tennis, basketball, badminton, football and other friendly ball games have mobilized a total of nearly 200 employees to participate, further creating a more confident, practical and positive atmosphere A healthy corporate culture atmosphere; by carrying out the 2023 employee health examination activities, we will provide care and care to the employees; by holding labor relations legal policy exchange meetings and brainstorming activities on performance, corporate culture and other contents, we will effectively Pay attention to the health, safety and satisfaction of employees, respect and safeguard the personal rights and interests of employees; through regular selection of outstanding employees, pay high respect to those employees who have performed outstandingly in the past year and affirm their dedication to the company. The development has injected a steady stream of power.

The employee welfare benefits that employees hope for and the people's hearts desire have been effectively optimized, and employees' sense of happiness, gain, and belonging have been continuously enhanced. The company has also been inspected by relevant government units for its work in protecting employees' interests and building and developing harmonious labor relations in accordance with the law. In full recognition of its achievements, it was rated as the "Fourth Guangdong Province Factory Affairs Disclosure and Democratic Management Demonstration Unit", "Provincial Democratic Management Teaching Demonstration Site", and "Foshan Harmonious Labor Relations Enterprise of the Year 2023".

Looking forward to 2024, we will keep "responsibility" in mind, regard "responsibility" as consciousness, and regard "accumulation" as improvement. We will show the drive, enterprising spirit and hard work to open the way over mountains and rivers. We will not be relaxed or discouraged and must work hard. Keep your tone, concentrate on and go all out to do all the work well, and continue to break into a new world !

Previous:January Newsletter
Next:Qinzhou Jushen was successfully selected into the second batch of Guangxi multimodal transport service brands and key line creation projects

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Contact address:No. 8 Jintai Road, Danzao Logistics Center, Danzao Town, Nanhai District, Foshan