For the next 365 days, keep your love and go to the mountains and seas!

The old year has shown a thousand treasures
In the New Year to the hundred foot rod
With the fruitful 2022 has quietly gone
Look back on the past
The years are shining on the rings
The shadow and light of Jushen people

Set a labor benchmark and demonstrate leadership

In order to effectively motivate excellent employees, mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, create a vibrant and positive working atmosphere, and cultivate and shape the collective sense of honor and sense of mission of employees, Jushen held the 2022 Annual outstanding employees commendation on January 16th.

All along, Jushen has always adhered to the "people-oriented" management concept, so that outstanding talents do not lack the stage of appearance, so that sincere investment will not be forgotten and let down. Through quarterly and annual commendation of outstanding employees and various forms of skill competitions, we can fully explore talents, effectively affirm the contributions made by employees to the development of the enterprise, and truly integrate the development of employees and the development of the enterprise, thus enhancing the centripetal force and cohesion of the enterprise.

Let us learn from the example of the power, vigorous efforts to the future; let us not change the original intention of growth, gathering force spectrum new chapter.

Welfare distribution, caring and heart-warming

In order to thank all employees for their hard work for the development of the company over the past year, and express their good wishes and love for health and well-being, Jushen issued year-end welfare gifts to all employees on the afternoon of January 10th.

At the scene of distribution, you can be seen everywhere, holding hands and carrying shoulders. Everyone is full of a sense of gain, the company is full of a warm and harmonious festive atmosphere. The heavy welfare sent to the hearts of the employees, not only fully demonstrates the warmth of the Jushen family, but also brings full hope and vigor to the hearts of each employee.
Looking back on the past, we are proud of our dedication and pleased with our harvest! Looking forward to the New Year, we have a long way to go, hope that the majority of employees based on the position, strengthen the sense of responsibility, competition, innovation, hand in hand, brave to shoulder the burden, solid work, continue to carry forward the fine tradition of Jushen, help the company's healthy and sustainable development.

Build a secure line,Guarding for a safe year

In order to ensure a safe and peaceful Spring Festival and strengthen the awareness of the red line of production safety, on January 12, led by the leadership of the General Manager Office and supported by the human Resources Administrative Center, the joint departments and subsidiaries carried out the annual investigation of hidden dangers in production safety, ensuring the stability of the production safety situation during the Spring Festival and preventing the occurrence of all kinds of fire and safety accidents.

Focus on "fundamentally eliminate the hidden dangers of accidents, fundamentally solve the problem", in view of the safety hidden dangers identified, the inspection team item-by-item list of problems, rectification handed over on the spot, clear the responsible person for rectification, rectification time limit, resolutely block security loopholes, create a harmonious and stable safety environment, and put the last "checkpoint" of safety production before the year.

This year is the full implementation of the Party's 20 spirit of the beginning of the year, Jushen will continue to seize the momentum, with a firmer belief, more full of enthusiasm, more solid pace to lead all staff for the market, the majority of customers to provide professional, safe and efficient integrated logistics warehousing services, climb the new peak of industry development, live up to The Times, live up to the youth!

Previous:Jushen wishes everyone a happy new year!
Next:Adhere to the best intentions and be enthusiastic about charity

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Contact address:No. 8 Jintai Road, Danzao Logistics Center, Danzao Town, Nanhai District, Foshan