Adhere to the best intentions and be enthusiastic about charity

After the practice of public welfare charity in 2022, Jushen won the honor of "Enthusiastic Public Welfare Award" and "South China Sea Charity Contribution Unit".

As a local private enterprise with a strong sense of social responsibility, Jushen has been working tirelessly and forging ahead in the hot land of Danzao, while never forgetting The original intention is to move forward with gratitude, actively respond to the call of Xicheng community, and work with the Danzao Town Youth League Committee, Danzao Volunteer Federation, Foshan Nanhai District Charity Association and other units to continue to develop in the fields of rural revitalization, caring for the disadvantaged, community services, education and poverty alleviation and other public welfare and charity fields. With altruistic heart and practice, we continue to deliver warmth and positive energy to society.Being enthusiastic about public welfare is both giving back and being grateful. On the road of continuous development and growth, Jushen is willingStick to the heart of goodness, be enthusiastic about charity, have the courage to take on responsibilities, and continue to contribute to the realization of the people's yearning for a better life.

In the future, Jushen hopes to adhere to the leadership of party building, establish cooperative relationships with the community, realize resource sharing, activity collusion, cooperation and promotion, and jointly fulfill social responsibilities, Actively participate in public welfare undertakings.

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Contact address:No. 8 Jintai Road, Danzao Logistics Center, Danzao Town, Nanhai District, Foshan