Do a good job of "talent engine", enabling enterprise development

In today's competitive business environment, the success of enterprises often depends not only on advanced technology, high-quality products, professional services, but also on the cultivation and stimulation of talents. JuShen Share is well aware of this, and is committed to doing a good job of "talent engine", enabling enterprise development.

Carefully cultivate talents and build a good talent incubator

Based on the law of talent development and anchoring the development direction of the industry, JuShen has always adhered to careful cultivation of talents and promoted the rapid growth of employees. This is the successful code for the company's workforce construction, and it is also an important measure to achieve two-way benefits for enterprises and employees.
In order to strengthen the construction of business backbone and professional reserve force echelon talents, the company insists on improving the training management system, regularly updates and implements the hierarchical and classified personnel training plan, and strives to build a high-quality staff. Secondly, the company has established a mentor system, in which senior employees act as mentors for new employees and provide one-on-one guidance and guidance. By sharing experience and answering questions, mentors help new employees quickly integrate into the team, improve their professional level and work efficiency. In addition, the company focuses on providing offline training, electronic courses, network education and other resources to help employees make full use of fragmented time to improve themselves, so as to continuously improve their own comprehensive ability and competitiveness, and realize the realization of cultural personnel and cultural enterprises.
Focusing on the development needs, taking the plan as the outline, taking the strong division as the basis, empowering the position, JuShen shares to cultivate talents, and strives to create a new world for the employees of the company with a broad sea and a fish leap and a high sky.

Warm heart to stay, build a warm harbor

Employee benefits are nothing small. Attaching importance to creating a harmonious atmosphere, promoting the rich cultural life of employees through the Party group, and effectively doing a good job of employee care are important guarantees for JuShen Shares to warm the heart and retain talents and "solid nest" of ingenuity.
Since the establishment of the trade union, the company has been committed to stimulating employees' sense of value creation and spirit of ownership, not only organizing direct dialogue between employee representatives and senior leaders of the company, guiding employees to offer suggestions and rationally express legitimate demands, creating a good democratic management atmosphere, but also setting up a number of activity rooms, conference rooms, lecture halls and other places for employees to learn and communicate. At the same time, the Party branch, the trade union and the Youth League branch jointly promote the practical activities of "I do practical things for employees", take the initiative to act, fine service, and effectively care for and care for employees, fully reflecting the warmth of people and the intention to retain talent.

▲ Staff style

▲ Active position

With the approach of the Dragon Boat Festival, in order to thank all employees for the development of the company and work tirelessly, the company and subsidiaries around the company have also issued holiday benefits, for the majority of employees sent carefully prepared gifts and blessings, so that employees really feel the warmth and care of the company.

▲ Foshan Region

▲ Jiangxi JuShen

▲ Xinjiang JuShen

▲ Qinzhou JuShen

▲ Gong Yi JuShen

▲ Jingxi JuShen

▲ Wuxi JuShen

On the road to speed up the circulation of commodities, JuShenShen shares actively provide "sunshine and rain" to gather talents and retain talents, cultivate the soil for talent growth, and empower enterprises with high-quality development of talent "intellectual power".

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Contact address:No. 8 Jintai Road, Danzao Logistics Center, Danzao Town, Nanhai District, Foshan