May Newsletter

•The research team of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions visited Torch to promote the democratic management of enterprises

On May 10, leaders of Foshan, Zhaoqing and Yunfu Federation of Trade Unions visited Jushen Shares to carry out thematic research on enterprise democratic management, aiming to deeply understand the practice of enterprise democratic management and jointly promote enterprise development.

In the process of investigation, the leaders of the municipal federation of trade unions and the representatives of the company conducted in-depth discussions on the democratic management mode of the enterprise and the protection of workers' rights and interests. At the meeting, the company's trade union representatives briefly introduced the specific practice and effectiveness of the company's democratic management, and shared the cases of employees' participation in decision-making and suggestions, which were highly affirmed by the leaders attending the meeting. Foshan Federation of Trade Unions said that it hopes to further strengthen communication and cooperation with enterprises, jointly promote the democratic construction of enterprises, and provide better development platforms and rights and interests protection for employees.

As one of the listed enterprises in Foshan City, Jushen Shares has been committed to building legal, compliant and harmonious labor-capital relations, actively promoting the democratic management of enterprises, and advocating the active participation of employees in enterprise management. Adhering to the concept of "people-oriented and common development", Jushen Shares will continue to improve the democratic management mechanism and promote the harmonious and stable development of enterprises.
This survey activity had a positive impact on the future democratic management of the company, further stimulated the enthusiasm of trade union cadres and employees, and helped promote the healthy development of the enterprise, employees and trade unions to meet each other halfway.

• The District charity Association visited Torch Shen Shares for discussion and exchange, affirming the past public welfare and charity achievements

On the morning of May 11, the leaders of the District Charity Association visited Torch Shen Shares for discussion and exchange, and gave a high degree of recognition and honor to the company's achievements in public charity in the past, encouraging the company to continue to deepen public charity work and contribute more to social development.

In the forum, the District Charity Association first made a brief exchange on the public welfare charity projects that the company participated in in the past, and expressed appreciation for the company's efforts and achievements in recent years. The representative of the leadership mentioned with concern that it is hoped that public welfare and charity will not cause a burden on enterprises, and encourage enterprises to do according to their ability and carry out charity in light of their actual situation.
Lei Qi, chairman and general manager of Torch Shen Shares, expressed his understanding and ideas on public welfare and charity, saying that doing charity is a good thing for both people and themselves, and is willing to continue the public welfare and charity work, further strengthen the cooperation with the District charity Association and other relevant units, and make greater contributions to the construction of a harmonious society and promote social progress.

All along, Jushen Shares have taken public charity as an important part of corporate social responsibility, actively participated in various public welfare activities, and worked closely with the District charity Association and other units to jointly commit to the development of social welfare undertakings. The exchange meeting not only conveyed the District charity Association's praise for the company's charity work, but also affirmed the company's unremitting efforts in the field of social responsibility.

• Jushen Shares held integrity warning training to strengthen the construction of integrity culture

On the afternoon of May 11, in order to further strengthen the construction of the company's clean culture, strengthen employees' awareness of integrity and normative behavior, Torch Shen Shares organized a clean warning training activity. The event aims to raise employees' awareness of clean practices and promote the in-depth implementation of a clean culture within the company.

The training activity was organized by the company's human resources Administration Center. The course combined the forms of case analysis and interactive discussion, covering the laws and regulations, integrity practice standards, anti-corruption knowledge and other aspects, and introduced the importance, basic requirements and precautions of integrity practice in a simple way, so that employees had a deep understanding of the connotation of integrity practice and the company's requirements.

As an important part of the corporate culture of Junshen Shares, the company has always attached great importance to the construction of a clean culture, and through the organization of such training activities, actively guide employees to consciously abide by the rules of clean employment, practice the concept of clean employment, and jointly create a clean and transparent working atmosphere.

This training activity not only helps all employees to firmly establish a sense of integrity and work with a more clean attitude, but also lays a solid foundation for the company to further standardize management and enhance the corporate image.

• Jushen Shares organize employees to visit Gaoming Yingxiang Ecological Park and share the fun of group construction

On May 25, in order to further condense the heart, cheer up the spirit, encourage all employees to act, forge ahead, always maintain a high spirit state, and contribute to promoting the high-quality development of the company, Torch Shen Shares held "Condense the heart, stride forward" Torch Shen staff group construction practice activities to help strengthen the construction of the team.

Early in the morning, the employees of the company were in high spirits and took the tour bus to the Gaoming Yingxiang Ecological Park tocarry out a leisurely and pleasant tour of group construction. After entering the park, everyone will relax in the beautiful scenic spot surrounded by green trees and flowers, enjoy more than 40 motorized games, and release the pressure of the whole body.

In order to enhance team mutual trust and stimulate team cooperation enthusiasm, the company has also carefully prepared a series of interesting team building games such as "look at the picture and guess the word", "Beads travel thousands of miles", "sandbag throwing". Through the collaborative challenge, the team members not only showed the cheerful side of their individual activities, but also added a lot of laughter to the whole activity.

▲ Beanbag throwing

▲ Heart to Heart

▲ Look at the picture and guess words

▲ Pearls travel thousands of miles

The president of the union said that the activity aims to provide employees with a relaxed and pleasant leisure time, enhance the feelings between each other, and jointly build a united and upward team. We hope that through this activity, we can stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, and inject new impetus into the future development of the company.

The group construction practice promoted the communication and tacit understanding between team members, and strengthened the guiding role, cohesion role and normative role of corporate culture. In the future, the company will continue to attach importance to staff team building and corporate culture construction, create a more harmonious and harmonious working atmosphere, motivate employees to be more positive, and jointly create more good memories inside.

• Jushen Shares hold cargo rights safety training to strengthen employees' safety awareness

On May 29, in order to further enhance employees' awareness and attention to the safety of goods rights, the company's human resources administrative center organized a special training activity on the safety of goods rights knowledge. This training aims to strengthen employees' understanding of cargo rights risks and related contract risks, enhance employees' awareness of cargo rights security, and consolidate the company's bottom line of safeguarding cargo rights security.

The training invited the chairman and general manager of Jushen Shares Lei Qi as a lecturer, the importance of cargo rights safety management, common risks and coping strategies were explained in detail. Through the vivid industry cases and vivid explanations, the employees present have deeply realized the importance of maintaining the safety of cargo rights for the company's operations.
At the end of the training, Mr. Lei said that as a deep commodity logistics service provider, maintaining the safety of goods rights is the top priority of the company's operation, and an important link to ensure the production and operation of enterprises and the sustainable development of employees. At the same time, he stressed that paying great attention to the safety management of goods rights can safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of market participants and promote the circulation of bulk commodities, which is consistent with the mission of the company, and hopes that all employees can have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the risks of goods rights, and further establish risk awareness and bottom line thinking.
In the next step, Actions will provide more employees with the opportunity to learn the safety knowledge of cargo rights through regular safety training activities; By optimizing information technology, we will create a safer and more transparent environment for the company to further standardize the storage and management of goods.

•Xinjiang Jushen held a tug-of-war competition to highlight the cultural atmosphere of unity and upward movement

On May 30, Xinjiang Jushen Land Port Combined Transport Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as: Xinjiang Jushen) held a tug-of-war competition, highlighting the cultural atmosphere of unity and upward. In the competition, employees from various departments of the company gathered together, divided into several teams, sweat and compete fiercely.

The scene of the game is very lively, cheers and cheers can be heard. Every team went all out, not only showing outstanding team spirit, but also fully demonstrating the desire to win and the courage to challenge.

After the event, the leaders of Xinjiang company expressed sincere thanks to all the employees involved and stressed the importance of unity and cooperation. He said that today's competition is not only a sports competition, but also a good opportunity to deepen the emotion among employees and promote team cohesion, and I hope that through such activities in the future, I can inspire more employees to be positive and courageous, and jointly write a new chapter in the development of the company.

• Leaders of Qinzhou Intermediate People's Court visited Qinzhou Jushen and Jushen Intelligent Movement for discussion and exchange

On the afternoon of May 31, Liang Mingye, President of the Trial Supervision Division of Qinzhou Intermediate People's Court, led a delegation to Guangxi Qinzhou Bonded Port Area Jishen International Logistics Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as: Qinzhou Jishen) and Guangxi Jishen Zhiyun Information Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as: Jishen Zhiyun) to carry out a legal lecture entitled "Contract Management and evidence preservation". This activity aims to understand the real ideas of enterprises and enhance the legal awareness of enterprise personnel, so as to optimize the operation and management of enterprises and ensure the operation in accordance with the law.

At the beginning of the lecture, the general manager of Jushen Zhiyun Company made a brief introduction to the development history of Jushen shares and the business situation of Qinzhou Jushen and Jushen Zhiyun. Subsequently, the court leaders fully affirmed the management model and development results of Torch Shen shares.

Regarding the contract management problems encountered by enterprises in the process of development, President Liang Mingye especially emphasized the role of precision in contract terms. He reminded that enterprises should pay attention to clear the rights and obligations of both parties when signing contracts, and set reasonable contract terms to prevent potential disputes. In addition, he stressed that good evidence management can not only effectively protect the rights and interests of enterprises, but also coordinate various departments to provide strong legal support according to the effective evidence in the case of disputes, so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the company by legal means.

The law lecture, Qinzhou Intermediate People's Court imparted practical legal knowledge, so that the company's management managers deeply understand the core of preventing business risks. In the future, the company will continue to strengthen compliance management and improve the internal rule of law construction to ensure the steady operation and development of the enterprise.

Previous:Beware of illegal securities activity
Next:Love in the act of kindness, public welfare in the heart

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