June Newsletter

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on building the ability to prevent and resolve major risks, On June 13, the Propaganda Department of the Foshan Municipal Party Committee arranged to hold a symposium on the media literacy of key enterprises in Nanhai District. Ju Shen was invited to attend the event and gave a speech focusing on public opinion management, crisis communication and communication strategies in the Internet era.

On June 15th, Wuxi Railway Office, Municipal Railway Center, Huishan District Transportation Bureau and other units carried out railway crossing emergencies Emergency drills were organized with the assistance of Wuxi Jushen. This drill was carried out in accordance with the city's requirements for the investigation and rectification of major railway hazards, simulating two typical crossing emergencies such as a pedestrian slipping at a railway crossing, causing the suspension of dedicated lines, and a motor vehicle colliding with railway crossing facilities. Jushen employees relied on their accumulated experience in dealing with crossing emergencies in their daily work and their comprehensive testing of crossing emergency command, rapid response capabilities and emergency handling capabilities to ensure the smooth development of the drill activities.

It coincides with the 21st "Safety Production Month" in the country. In order to further strengthen the construction of safety production capabilities and improve the awareness of safety production accident prevention , to build a solid safety line of defense, on the afternoon of June 25th, Jushen specially invited professional lecturers from Nanhai Shuan Institution to conduct special fire safety training. The training content mainly included safety inspection precautions for logistics enterprises and fire safety skills training. This training further strengthened employees’ understanding of safety management, safety accidents, accident cases, and industry standards in the field of production safety and emergency management, effectively improved employees’ emergency response capabilities and fire safety awareness, and effectively guaranteed Jushen’s Safety in daily operations.

On June 26th, Tianshan Aluminum Logistics Department organized the "Ankang Cup" knowledge contest and the "Mechanical Injury" on-site emergency drill Shihezi Jushen actively participated in the competition. Among them, two colleagues won the third prize and the excellence award in the "Ankang Cup" knowledge competition respectively, which demonstrated the rich knowledge reserve of our employees and confirmed that Jushen's safety education and production culture covers all employees. Promote effectively.

In late June, the second quarter project of the third batch of "Famous Enterprises and Hundreds of Gardens" in Nanhai District was officially launched, marking the The Daguo Xinyi Street Park jointly built with Shen's donations has officially become a bright business card of the company's corporate culture, demonstrating the deep integration of Jushen's industrial brand and beautiful rural construction.

Employee health is an intrinsic requirement and basic condition for the sustained and high-quality development of an enterprise. Taking care of employee health is to protect the productivity of society and the enterprise. On June 30th, in order to effectively protect the health of employees and effectively prevent and reduce the incidence of major diseases among employees, the Trade Union Committee of Guangdong Jushen Logistics Co., Ltd. launched the 2023 annual employee health examination event to send a message of care and concern to all employees. A care that improves employees' sense of happiness, gain and belonging.

Previous:Looking back on "July 1", Jushen launched a series of activities to celebrate the party's birthday
Next:Passionate about the employees during the Dragon Boat Festival, promoting welfare and happiness

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Contact address:No. 8 Jintai Road, Danzao Logistics Center, Danzao Town, Nanhai District, Foshan