April Newsletter

On the afternoon of March 30th, the "Nanshi Lecture Hall Entrepreneurs Enter Campus" lecture event was held at Nanhai Experimental School. Lei Qi, general manager of Shen Logistics, and his three-member delegation attended and held a donation ceremony for Jushen Logistics-Nanhai Experimental School. After the donation ceremony, Mr. Lei shared the theme of "Dream and Responsibility Sharing" with seventh-grade students and young teachers. He told his legendary life experience and passionate youth dream-chasing story in vivid and humorous language, and encouraged the students to be diligent. Study, study hard, pursue your dreams in the sea of learning, overcome obstacles in the face of challenges, and write your own glorious strokes in the broad social stage in the future, bringing glory to your alma mater and your hometown.

On April 1st, the Jushen Basketball Cup friendly match organized by the trade union "Speed the Court, Bloom with Vitality" was successfully held. This friendly match brought together Jushen’s basketball enthusiasts. It not only provided them with a platform for skill exchange, achieving the effect of pleasing the body and mind and releasing work stress, but also effectively enhanced the cohesion, centripetal force and combat effectiveness of Jushen’s staff, fully demonstrating Jushen's spirit of unity, cooperation and hard work.

In order to further enhance the company's employees' understanding of business etiquette and continuously improve the service quality and business etiquette literacy of Jushen employees, April In the first ten days of the month, Jushen organized and carried out the "Business Etiquette Training" activity. This training mainly focuses on business etiquette standards in daily work, providing standard demonstrations and detailed guidance from the most basic aspects of pick-up/airport, boarding, meeting seating, dining, etc., so that employees can master standard business etiquette proficiently and Better apply it in the company's daily business activities, and then continue to optimize the company's overall service quality and enhance the soft power of Jushen's development.

On April 19th, leaders of Qingyuan City and Foshan CPPCC visited Jushen for inspection and investigation. Zeng Yongfa, deputy general manager of Jushen Logistics The management leaders received a warm reception and held discussions and exchanges with the visiting leaders. At the meeting, Deputy General Manager Zeng Yongfa first expressed a warm welcome to the visiting leaders and then gave a brief introduction to Jushen's development history, business overview and other aspects. After listening to the basic situation of Jushen, the research team fully affirmed Jushen's outstanding achievements in many aspects such as business operation model, brand building and development planning, and hoped that Jushen will continue to maintain a good development momentum and continuously improve the core of the enterprise. Competitiveness and comprehensive strength will contribute more to regional economic development and construction.

On the afternoon of April 24th, Danzao Town held the 2022 Rural Revitalization Charity Fundraising Ceremony. With its active actions in responding to the call of the rural revitalization strategy and supporting the rural revitalization construction work in Danzao Town, Jushen won the "Three Stars" commendation for the charity and caring enterprise of the Danzao Town Rural Revitalization Project and the unit award. As an outstanding enterprise representative in Danzao Town, Jushen will continue to give full play to its corporate advantages, strive to fulfill the social responsibilities and responsibilities of entrepreneurs in the new era, and actively contribute to the sustainable development of rural revitalization.

On April 25th, "Sim·Guangzhou-Industrial Silicon Industry Forum" was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Chancheng District, Foshan City Held at the event, Guangdong Jushen Storage Co., Ltd., as a representative of the Guangzhou Futures Exchange’s “First Batch of Designated Delivery Warehouses for Industrial Silicon Futures,” attended the event and shared ideas with guests through various conference formats such as closed-door roundtable forums and theme forums for high-end institutions. The current and future development pattern of the silicon industry was discussed, further grasping the general direction of the market for the development of Jushen's late-stage industrial silicon futures delivery business.

On the morning of April 26th, the labor union of Guangdong Jushen Logistics Co., Ltd. held the second and third plenary meeting (expanded) Meeting. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China", "China Trade Union Constitution" and "Regulations on Elections of Grassroots Trade Union Organizations", the meeting elected a new trade union chairman and trade union chairman through equal elections on the basis of fully promoting democracy. committee member. Subsequently, Comrade Lei Jiantao, the new chairman of the trade union, made a statement on behalf of the trade union: "Looking to the future, the new trade union will, under the leadership of the superior trade union and the Jushen Party branch, effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the employees and activate the amateur, cultural and sports activities of the employees. life, constantly radiating vitality to the trade union organization, and living up to the trust of the majority of employees in Jushen."

Previous:Jushen Co., Ltd.-Glade Table Tennis Friendly Match ended successfully
Next:Strengthen the foundation and expand the new, endogenously and externally, move towards new goals, and start again

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Contact address:No. 8 Jintai Road, Danzao Logistics Center, Danzao Town, Nanhai District, Foshan